Invasive Species

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Invasive aquatic species are a problem throughout the Black Warrior River watershed, especially in reservoir areas and backwater sloughs. These plants are artificially introduced, and once established they tend to out-compete native plant species, covering sloughs, creek mouths. and river banks. The result is altered wildlife habitat, and a hindrance to recreation and navigation. Additionally, these plants often harbor unsightly trash along the river banks and in sloughs. Once established these invasive aquatic plants are difficult to eradicate. Chemical application is not a desirable solution to the problem. The best solution is taking precautions to prevent the introduction of these species into our water resources in the first place. See the links below for more information on the issue and what you can do to help:

Petition · Stop Home Depot From Selling Invasive Plants

Alabama Invasive Plant Council

Field Guide to Aquatic Plants of Alabama

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Aquatic Invasive Plant Species Management

U.S. Geological Survey Nonindigenous Aquatic Species

Non-Native Aquatic Species in the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Regions

Aquatic Nuisance Species publications (this site covers what boaters and aquarium owners should do)

Aquatic Nuisance Species Outreach Project

Invasive & Exotic Aquatic Plants

Invasive zebra mussels have become established in Holt Lake on the Black Warrior River. These aquatic invaders are not only detrimental to local ecosystems, but they are also destructive to local economies. They can damage the hulls, motors and props on your boats and clog intake pipes for drinking water facilities, power plants, industrial facilities, and even fire suppression systems.  For more information about zebra mussels and what you can do to stop them from spreading in the Black Warrior basin, visit:


water hyacinth

Water Hyacinth

Water Hyacinth mat & flowers


Taro (aka Elephant Ear)



Alligator Weed


Alligator Weed choking creek mouth


Common salvinia


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