Report Pollution

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    You may remain anonymous if you wish, but providing contact info will help us follow up on your report.

    Reportar La Contaminación




    Waterbody Affected:

    Please provide a detailed description of the location including roadways, landmarks, etc.:

    Please describe what you observed (i.e. type of pollution, sights, smells, etc.)

    Suspected Cause/Polluter

    Time, date and duration

    Weather Conditions

    Have you seen this before?

    If so, when or for how long?

    Do you have pictures? The maximum file size is 5MB. If unable to upload below, please send photos as attachments to [email protected]

    Have you notified any regulatory agencies?

    If yes, which agencies have you notified, and when?

    Please complete this "quiz" to prove this is a valid report (please give answers in numerical form, for example "7" instead of "seven"):

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