Greene County Coal Ash Hearing

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Plant Greene County’s Coal Ash: Public Hearing October 22

The Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) is hosting a public hearing about Plant Greene County’s coal ash on October 22th, 6-8pm at the Carver Community Center (720 Greensboro Street, Eutaw, AL, 35462).

ADEM’s hearing focuses on Alabama Power’s closure plans for coal ash waste storage in a massive unlined, leaking pit next to the Black Warrior River. This closure is required by federal law because their coal ash pit is situated too close to groundwater, which is being polluted with toxic heavy metals. Alabama Power plans to leave their toxic coal ash next to the river and cap it in place.

Show up and/or submit written comments to share your opinion on the need for Alabama Power to excavate and remove their waste from next to the river:

To learn more about the Miller, Gorgas, and Greene County Plants, and coal ash in the Black Warrior River basin, visit

To learn more about coal ash throughout Alabama, sign up for updates, and take action, visit

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