Stop HB475

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Action Alert:

Tell your Representative to Vote NO on SB355/HB475


There’s a stormwater bill in the Alabama Legislature that would restrict local governments’ ability to control pollution into nearby waterways.  SB355/HB475 already passed the Senate, and this week is our last chance to stop it from passing the House of Representatives.  It would greatly weaken protections for local drinking water sources and other waterways where we fish and swim.  Click here to learn more about this bill.

Problem: Stormwater runoff is one of the most significant sources of pollution impacting Alabama’s waters.  It is damaging our rivers and raising the cost of providing clean drinking water to our communities. SB355/HB475 threatens efforts to fix the problem.

Solution: There is a need for better stormwater control in Alabama, but this bill does not get us there. Instead of limiting local governments, we should allow them to choose proven best practices that protect local waterways for swimming, drinking and fishing.

Action Needed:  Please email or call your Representative tell them to VOTE NO on SB355/HB475. Click here to find your Representative.

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